September 08, 2021 By: Angelou V. Leduna

Mother Mary was the chosen one by the Almighty to carry Jesus the Messiah. By the grace of the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ mother, brought "the Word Made Flesh" to the world and in our lives.

 Moreover, Mary serves as a mother figure in our lives. An epitome of joy and a refuge of sorrow. We may express our sorrows, griefs, and joys to her. As a mother of our Savior, Mary could mediate us to the Father.

 Once a miraculous white lady, claimed to be the Virgin Mary, reigned in the area more than 60 years ago, a wise man from Simala named Ingko Niyong Villamor predicted that the hills of Lindogon would become sacred.

 Simala Shrine is one of Cebu's most beautiful churches and a pilgrimage place for devotees. Renowned as the Miraculous Mother Mary Church after a Virgin Mary statue within the Shrine was seen crying, it attracts hundreds of visitors every day who pray for their wishes to be answered.

 Frater Ma. Joseph Magtoto of the Martin Monks of the Eucharistic Adoration (Evangelizer), who is the founder of the shrine in Simala, Sibonga, Cebu, recalled that this isn't the first time the Virgin Mary's picture at Lindogon has shed tears.

 Magtoto was flabbergasted after he found that photos of the Lady of Lindogon's leaked "crying" picture had been circulating on the social networking site Facebook by a devotee. He then said that it was  a very common occurrence back in 1998 when  many people in the neighborhood were infected with dengue fever. After the Virgin shed tears on her birthday in the exact year everyone got better. See reference  (

 After the news came out that the Virgin Mary's picture was seen, "shedding tears” the Simala Shrine became well-known. Following the miracle, a variety of people came to this church with various intentions to Virgin Mother Mary. Some people will line up to kiss the image of Virgin Mother Mary, which is located inside the church, while others will line up to pray for healing, guidance, and to pass the bar examinations. There will also be a mass for everyone.


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